Breathwork & Sound Healing


Jun 30 2023


19:00 - 21:00




Silvia and Gemma invite you for two hours of pure bliss! An evening of deep healing, rest and connection.

Experience the powerful combination of Active Breathwork and the Soothing sounds bath of the Crystal Bowls. The intention of this journey is to provide a safe space to deeply relax, to let go of what is no longer serving you, to open the heart, heal the body and to help bring about balance and equilibrium.

Silvia will guide you to connect to your breath. Breathwork will help to awaken your nervous system and facilitates somatic release. Breathwork releases stress, tension in the body, helps regulate the central nervous system and brings the body back into balance and safety. The brain releases endorphins and serotonin and clears the brain fog. There are a multitude of benefits that can be experienced quickly such as better night’s sleep, reduced anxiety, released stagnant old emotions, enhances focus and clarity, boosts positivity and morale in the team, better connection and so much more…

Gemma will guide you on the deep Sound Bath that will follow on from the Breathwork in your receiving and integration time.

The Crystal Singing Bowls produce healing frequencies that will activate your parasympathetic nervous system which allows the body to rest, digest, restore and repair. These frequencies slow our brainwaves down and help to bring about balance and relieve stress and anxiety.

Your immune system, digestion, other systems and organs are able to function more effectively as the body can focus on function and healing rather than thinking, reacting and surviving in it’s Beta brainwave mode.

In this calm state your brain and body are able to experience healing, creativity, improved focus and memory, plus a reduction in stress and anxiety.

You will leave feeling restored, rebalanced, and full of vitality.

  • Active Breathwork
  • Sound Healing
  • Guided Relaxation
  • Tea & Vegan energy ball
You will need
  • Wear comfortable clothing / layers
  • Yoga mat
  • Pillow, blanket
  • Eye pillow
  • Bottle of water
  • Notepad & pen

Gemma’s website




This workshop is all about you taking care of your body, mind and soul.

Silvia & Gemma are delighted to guide you!