Release stress & reset your nervous system @ The Basement Snug


Jan 28 2023


14:00 - 17:00


I am very excited to invite you all to my next workshop which will take place in January 2023! 

For this workshop, I am venturing out of Rugby into Kenilworth. I found the perfect venue, so cosy and calm. The venue is called The Basement Snug.


Run up to Christmas and through January our nervous system is often hijacked by so much stress and cortisol being released into our bloodstream. 

January can feel like we have no motivation, no energy, and low mood, we’re emotionally all over the place and often we experience SAD disorder and depression.

My intention is to bring us back into a state of equilibrium. From that state the body can feel safe, it knows that it is safe to release emotion and stress. But first, we have to create the right environment and space for us to be able to witness ourselves let go and release. 

That is my intention to bring you back to safety and alignment. During somatic practices such as Breathwork and EFT Tapping the brain does really cool things! It releases endorphins and serotonin.

These hormones are delicious not just for our biology, but also for our conscious thinking mind. By doing these practises the brain fog gets cleared, we can then be more creative, productive, joyful and have self-compassion for ourselves.


Let’s clear those stressful emotional blockages and reset your nervous system. It will be a wonderful afternoon of deep chats, connection and somatic practises, that you will be able to apply in your own time when you need to. 

You will be leaving the venue so much lighter, recharged from emotional exhaustion, cleansed deeply and rested. It truly is an experience!

You will feel like you have returned to yourself again.

I will be blending different somatic practises into this workshop plus we will have a nourishing lunch, cake, tea & coffee.

This could be a perfect Christmas present for someone you love.

I can not wait to see you there. The venue holds a maximum of 12 people, so get yourself booked in!

  • Breathwork to reset your nervous system
  • Break - herbal teas
  • Setting intention for the New Year - Journalling
  • EFT Tapping to process big emotions and release
  • 3 Somatic tools for Anxiety
  • Empowering Meditation
  • Nourishing Lunch, Tea, Coffee & Cake
You will need
  • Your own yoga mat
  • Blankets/warm layers – warm socks if you get cold feet!
  • Something to cover your eyes (travel eye mask or flannel)
  • A cushion
  • Wear soft, comfortable clothing / layers
  • Notepad & Pen
  • A bottle of water

The Basement Snug – Check out this beautiful venue.

The Basement Snug


This workshop is all about you taking care of your body, mind and soul.
I am delighted to guide you!